Ζέολιθος στη Βιομηχανία Υδρογονανθράκων

Ιδιότητες συμπύκνωσης μίγματος ζεστής ασφάλτου με ζεόλιθο - Compacting Properties of Zeolite Based Warm Asphalt Mixture

Ιδιότητες συμπύκνωσης μίγματος ζεστής ασφάλτου με ζεόλιθο – Compacting Properties of Zeolite Based Warm Asphalt Mixture

Abstract Warm asphalt mixture develops rapidly throughout the world in recent years. Zeolite based warm mix is one of the warm mixtures. In this paper, seven kinds of zeolites including six natural zeolites and one synthetic zeolite are selected. As warm mix additives, their physical properties such as density, water content and pore arrangements are…

“Predicted” zeolites may fuel efficient processes | Zeolite.gr

Ζεόλιθοι μπορούν να τροφοδοτήσουν αποτελεσματικές διαδικασίες διύλισης υδρογονανθράκων – “Predicted” zeolites may fuel efficient processes

​Scientists at Rice Univ. and the Univ. of Minnesota have identified synthetic materials that may purify ethanol more efficiently and greatly improve the separation of long-chain hydrocarbons in petroleum refining. The results show that predictive modeling of synthetic zeolites, a technique pioneered by Rice bioengineer Michael Deem, is highly effective and can help solve some…